Mark Patenaude (USA)
Customer message: Gentleman:
I don't typically do this but I felt compelled to make some comments on your Dohiku hooks.
Customer message: Gentleman:
I don't typically do this but I felt compelled to make some comments on your Dohiku hooks.
I have sampled just about every fly hook manufacturer that there is and I wanted to tell you that I feel your hooks are superior to anything I have used. In addition to the quality, sharpness and consistency, your thought process in coming up with both a general design as well as specific design aspects that give the hook certain qualities that no other hook has shows your ability not only to innovate but also to use your fly fishing experience to come up with an overall design the is unique and extremely effective for virtually any situation a fly fisher could face. I want to say thank you and that if you ever begin to recruit Pro Staff members, I would be very happy to represent you here in the United States.
Here is to a job well done!
Mark Patenaude