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Johan Nygren from Sweden Johan Nygren from Sweden 2
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Johan Nygren from Sweden

I came home from Kola peninsula last sunday, after two weeks of trout fishing. I want to tell you how impressed I am by the hooks Dohiku durability and sharpness! After several fish between 58 and 63 cm the streamer hook still is in shape and very sharp. Well, a streamer hook should be strong, so therefore I'm even more impressed by the dry fly hooks.
Jozef Holly
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Jozef Holly

dakujem, prišlo to v poriadku, ste veľmi seriózni, nečakal som vrátené poštovné. prajem všetko dobré apropagáciu z mojej strany máte zaručenú. s pozdravom Jožo Hollý
Hello Dohiku Hello Dohiku 2
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Hello Dohiku

Hello Dohiku,I have attached a few images from the Flyfishing Clinic of the South African fly fishing adepts.Children say BIG THANKS for your sponsorships.
Tomas Balko, SLOVAKIA Tomas Balko, SLOVAKIA 2
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Tomas Balko, SLOVAKIA

Dobry den pani, dnes pekne pocasie a voda cista, zasusene, testoval som drot 301 #20 a dal som bez problemov lipnika 42 a 41. Vdaka, super hacik, dnes bola ryba maximalne opatrna, vsetko darovane naspat vode. Tomas
Nicolas Maier
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Nicolas Maier

Dear Milan   Hope you had a great start into 2016!   BTW: Did I ever tell you about the hook review on Fliegenfischer-Forum? Unfortunately they published it in summer, when nobody over here is tying flies: http://www.fliegenfischer-forum.de/dohiku.html   Best regards, Nicolas
Customer from New Zealand Customer from New Zealand 2
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Customer from New Zealand

Hey Milan,  I just thought I'd pass on that I have won the last 3 competitions here in NZ and I won the New Zealand Circuit for the year, all using Dohiku hooks from Jim in Australia.. Im loving your product, keep up the good work. Perhaps I will see you in the Czech Republic?? Here are some photos of wins. regards Cory
Vojtěch Ungr
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Vojtěch Ungr

Vojtěch Ungr reprezentant ČR v muškárení viaže svoje mušky na háčiky DOHIKU. "Moc jsem si oblíbil Vaše jigové háčky, hlavně pak ty ve velikosti č.20, na které chytám veškeré závody a které doporučuji všem mým muškařským kolegům." - Vojtech Ungr.
Johnny Mauchline Johnny Mauchline 2
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Johnny Mauchline

Appreciate that. See attached photos of a trout caught this morning using the 6lb (0,15mm) Dohiku Tippet Strong. I gave it a good trial and it held unlike many other high price brands of tippet. Very impressed with this line ..good stretch and being 15mm is good for technical fishing to sighted trout. I haven't  tried the other tippets ..nylon and...
Miroslav Nemček
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Miroslav Nemček

Dobrý deň Zároveň vám posielam foto 68cm pstruha dúhového uloveného tento víkend na jazere v Slovinsku na strímer naviazaný na strímrovom háčiku Dohiku HDS veľkosť 6. Sú to úžasné háčiky. Ryba na nich drží ako prikovaná. Keď mi dva krát ryba ušla, tak aj s muškou kvôli pretrhnutiu silónu. Ešte raz ďakujem za tieto skvelé strímrové háčiky.
Gary Glen-Young
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Gary Glen-Young

Gary Glen-Young - Member of national fly fishing team of South Africa Hi Milan, I must say that the new HDJ20 is awesome. Perfect shape & wire diameter – best with a 2.0mm slotted tungsten. Best small jig hook I have ever used.
Tomáš Balko - DOHIKU hooks Tomáš Balko - DOHIKU hooks 2
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Tomáš Balko - DOHIKU hooks

Dobrý deň Milan, Kamil, Lojzo, - potvrdzujem jedinečnosť háčikov Dohiku, všetky typy, nehrdzavejú, sú pekné ale zároveň pružné,  netupia sa,- vyskúšal som možno limit háčik J veľkosť 10,- hlavatku 82 udržal na 0.12 mm fluo, začal sa už však deformovat, ďakujem pekne -), Používam aj 302, 301 a výborné krivakove 644. Vsetko dobre chlapci len tak ďalej....
South Island New Zealand South Island New Zealand 2
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South Island New Zealand

Hi Milan The Dohiku barbless hooks arrived and I tied up some emergers to fish the river that evening.  Hooked up on 4 fish and the hook held very well and the release was easy. Great design and sharpness. Thanks Johnny Mauchline   Pics attached
Jan Kretek (Česká republika) Jan Kretek (Česká republika) 2
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Jan Kretek (Česká republika)

Dobrý večer, háčky v pondělí dorazili . Děkujeme zavzorky . Na 301 jsem hned začal vázat do krabičky :-) a do obchodu a putovalo pod foták :-) Pár fotek na ukázku přikládám .-) S pozdravem
Stanislav Mankov
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Stanislav Mankov

I like the version of the new 303 Dohiku hooks! I think they will be also very good for Perdigon nymphs. The rest of the hooks are also brilliant. I attach a picture of my best catch this year which is this beautiful rainbow trout of 71 cm caught with fly tied on Dohiku 644 number 8. Fantastic hooks! 
Jarolím Roman - Garry
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Jarolím Roman - Garry

Ahoj Milane. Tuhle rybu jsem dostal při ukončení muškařské sezony. Duhák 56cm, 2141g, chycen na řece Moravě 23, na francouze nymfa na háčku Dohiku SP vel. 14.
We are We are 2
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We are

You could attend : http://www.musicarenje.net/sr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=123&Itemid=95
Mark Patenaude (USA)
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Mark Patenaude (USA)

Customer message: Gentleman:I don't typically do this but I felt compelled to make some comments on your Dohiku hooks. 
Euan from UK
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Euan from UK

Milan,The hooks arrived safe and sound and look perfect for the flies I have to tie.Thanks for the excellent service.Euan
Tommy Murphy
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Tommy Murphy

 It's been a long time since we communicated. I have a little story for you. As you were aware I was....
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